We are delighted to announce that we have selected mental health organisation Mind as our chosen charity! Over the next 12 months, we will be organising various fundraising events to raise money for this worthy cause.  

Information from Mind indicates that one in four people will experience a mental health problem each year in England, and  one in six people report experiencing a common mental health problem, such as anxiety and depression, every week. We are delighted to be supporting a regional charity that’s helping those in the country.

As a local charity affiliated with the national Mind association, Mind provides a range of well-being services for people who experience mental health problems. These include Active Minds which encourages people to be physically active, Creative Minds that uses creativity to help relieve stress and improve mood, and Community Minds which inspires people to get involved in their community to help with social isolation. All of Mind’s well-being support groups are completely funded by fundraising and donations.

Paul Reeve, CEO of Cornwall Mind, commented:

“We are delighted that RGB has chosen to support Cornwall Mind. Their commitment over the next 12 months to raise funds, and just as importantly, awareness of mental health, is inspirational and I know will make a real difference to the people we support. The well-being groups that this initiative will support provide safe, supported spaces for people to connect, share and focus on recovery and staying well. Mental health affects us all in one way or another and I am always delighted when industries such as construction acknowledge this. Thank you so much!”

Martin Ballantyne, Branch Manager at RGB Bodmin, added:

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had an extremely negative impact on the mental health of some of those in our region and, over the past 18 months, Cornwall Mind has seen the number of people using its services grow exponentially.  We’re delighted to be supporting the charity by committing to raise money to help it supply life-saving services. We know it’s a cause our customers will get fully behind and, at the outset, we want to thank everyone who helps us with our fundraising.”

Information about how to receive support or to donate can be found on Mind’s website - www.mind.org.uk  

RGB’s branches in Devon will be supporting Devon Mind, branches in Cornwall will be supporting Cornwall Mind and it’s Wellington and Wiveliscombe branches will be supporting Mind in Somerset.

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